For (too) many companies, the service stops after delivery of the product or purchase of the service.

Automated emails about satisfaction or a 5-star validation as the last moment of contact with the customer.
But how (un)happy are your customers really with your company?
With Happy Calls, you get more insight into your service and sales apparatus.

Get more out of your business
and your customers

What do we do?

  • We call your current customers from the past 6 months.
  • We take stock of how they have experienced your service.

Think about:

  • Satisfaction with products/services
  • Quality of your account manager
  • Billing service
  • Delivery process
  • Aftersales

10% of HAPPY CALLS becomes a cross sell opportunity!

What’s in it for you?

  • Insight into your service.
  • Insight into your sales force.
  • (Un)Satisfaction of your customers.
  • Insight into how your customers perceive the billing, delivery process.
  • More business from the same customer.
  • Feedback for your account manager.

What does it cost?

  • Minimum purchase of 100 call hours.
  • Fixed fee of €50 per hour.

Ready for Happy Calls?

Contact us today and take the first step towards greater insight into your business.

Make an appointment